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Special Commission to Study The Prevention of Suicide Among Correction Officers in Massachusetts Correctional Facilities

Board Information

Public Safety
The commission shall review the state of suicide prevention programs in Massachusetts’ correctional facilities and develop model plans, recommend program changes, highlight budget priorities and recommend best practices that could be utilized to reduce correction officer suicide and attempted suicide. The commission shall: (i) examine and evaluate the current jail and prison suicide prevention policies; (ii) examine and evaluate suicide prevention training for correctional facility staff; (iii) provide recommendations for improving suicide identification and intervention for correctional facility staff; (iv) develop recommendations for providing mental health counseling services to correction officers that have a need for such services; (v) examine ways in which correctional facilities can reduce stress, anxiety and depression among correction officers; and (vi) examine training programs for incoming correction officers and develop recommendations for programs to include a discussion of mental preparedness. The commission may hold public hearings to assist in the collection and evaluation of data and testimony.

Board Members

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Special Commission to Study The Prevention of Suicide Among Correction Officers in Massachusetts Correctional Facilities Board Members
Member↓↓Seat NameAppointing AuthorityTerm End Date
Sheriff Kevin CoppingerOrg. Representing MA SheriffsGovernor-
Ms. Stephanie G. KellySuicide Prevention OrganizationGovernor-
-Secretary, EOPSSEx Officio-
-Commissioner, Dept. of CorrectionEx Officio-
-Commissioner, DPHEx Officio-
-Commissioner, DMHEx Officio-
-Member of the House 1 (Speaker)House of Representatives-
-Member of the House 2 (Minority Leader)Legislature-
-Member of the Senate 1 (Senate President)Senate President-
-Member of the Senate 2 (Minority Leader)Senate-
-MA Correctional Officer Federated UnionEx Officio-
-MA Psychological SocietyEx Officio-
-New England Police Benevolent AssociationEx Officio-