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Special Commission to Study the Establishment of a Statewide Cadet Program

Board Information

The commission shall evaluate the establishment of a statewide law enforcement officer cadet program in the commonwealth through which all law enforcement agencies, as defined in section 1 of chapter 6E of the General Laws, may hire law enforcement officers and shall make recommendations to the legislature. The commission shall study the feasibility and benefits of establishing said cadet program, including, but not limited to: (i) impact on diversity within law enforcement agencies; (ii) impact on veteran preference hiring within law enforcement agencies; (iii) recommendations to ensure increased diversity across law enforcement agencies; (iv) proposed standards for admission to the statewide cadet program, including, but not limited to, age, education and physical, psychological and mental health; (v) proposed standards, including form, method and subject matter, for a qualifying examination which shall fairly test the applicant’s knowledge, skill and abilities that can be fairly and reliably measured and that are actually required to perform the primary or dominant duties of a law enforcement cadet; (vi) proposed standards for completion of the cadet program and enlistment as a uniformed law enforcement officer; (vii) recommended cadet compensation and benefits, including, but not limited to, insurance coverage, retirement and pension benefits; (viii) the feasibility of providing specialized training required for appointment to a particular agency or by a city or town; and (ix) any other information the commission deems relevant.

Board Members

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Special Commission to Study the Establishment of a Statewide Cadet Program Board Members
Member↓↓Seat NameAppointing AuthorityTerm End Date
Sheriff Thomas BowlerMA Sheriffs’ AssociationGovernor-
Deborah CraftsAssociation of Chiefs of Police – State UniversitiesGovernor-
Rita M. CurleyMA Association of Women in Law EnforcementGovernor-
Mr. James HicksMA Chiefs of Police AssociationGovernor-
Scott HovsepianMA Coalition of PoliceGovernor-
-Chair, Joint Committee on Public SafetyEx Officio-
-Chair, Joint Committee on Public SafetyEx Officio-
-Chair, Joint Committee on the JudiciaryEx Officio-
-Chair, Joint Committee on the JudiciaryEx Officio-
-Chair, Black and Latino CaucusEx Officio-
-Chair, House Asian CaucusEx Officio-
-Attorney GeneralEx Officio-
-Secretary, EOPSSEx Officio-
-Colonel, State PoliceEx Officio-
-Commissioner of CorrectionsEx Officio-
-Training Director, POST CommissionEx Officio-
-ED, ACLU MAEx Officio-
-President, NAACP New EnglandEx Officio-
-State Police AssociationGovernor-
-MA Police AssociationGovernor-
-MA Association of Minority Law Enforcement OfficersGovernor-