Board Information

Public Safety
There shall be a permanent commission to study and analyze the imposition of civil penalties on certain offenses within the commonwealth. The duties and responsibilities of the commission shall include, but not be limited to, the following: (i) identify all violations of the general laws that are currently classified as a misdemeanor; (ii) determine the number of arrests made per year pursuant to such statutory violations; (iii) determine the number of such arrests which result in charges being filed by a district attorney's office and the percentage of such charges for which the commonwealth sought incarceration; (iv) determine the number of cases disposed of per year pursuant to such statutory violations; (v) determine the number of convictions per year pursuant to such statutory violations; (vi) determine the number of persons incarcerated in a house of correction pursuant to such statutory violations and; (vii) the number of occurrences per year in which a district attorney's office exercised the discretion authorized by section 70C of chapter 277 of the General Laws.

Board Members

↓↓ Sort members table by selecting table header for Member, Seat Name, Appointing Authority, or Term End Date.
Civil Infraction Commission Board Members
Member↓↓Seat NameAppointing AuthorityTerm End Date
Mr. Stephen M. AdamsAttorney General or DesigneeEx Officio-
Mr. Anthony BenedettiChief Counsel of the Committee for Public Counsel Services or DesigneeEx Officio-
Dr. Francis J. Carney Jr.Chief Justice of Administration and Management or DesigneeEx Officio-
Mr. R.J. CinquegranaPresident of the Boston Bar Association or DesigneeEx Officio-
Senator Cynthia Stone CreemSenate President or DesigneeEx Officio-
Aviva JeruchimPrivate Counsel Division of Said Committee DesigneeEx Officio-
The Honorable Matthew MacheraSpeaker of the House or DesigneeEx Officio-
-Governor or DesigneeEx Officio-
-President of MA Association of District AttorneysEx Officio-
-President of MA Bar Association or DesigneeEx Officio-
-Commissioner of Probation or DesigneeEx Officio-