Search Instructions and Form

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Select apply button when done to update results.

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Filters will show results automatically.

Search Form

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Showing Results: 201 to 210 out of 761
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Search Results List

Clean Energy Technology Center Board of Directors

Policy Area: Energy and Environmental Affairs
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Clean Energy Transmission Working Group

Policy Area: Energy and Environmental Affairs
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Clinton Housing Authority

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: To oversee the clearance of substandard, decadent or blighted open areas or the provision of housing for families or elderly persons of low income or engaging in a land assembly and redevelopment project, including the preservation, restoration or...
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Clinton Redevelopment Authority

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: To engage in and direct urban renewal projects.
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Cohasset Housing Authority

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: To oversee the clearance of substandard, decadent or blighted open areas or the provision of housing for families or elderly persons of low income or engaging in a land assembly and redevelopment project, including the preservation, restoration or...
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Commercial Fisheries Commission

Policy Area: Energy and Environmental Affairs
Purpose: to develop and recommend strategies, methods and tools to promote the sustainability of the commonwealth's commercial fishing industry including, but not limited to, harvesting, processing and production and sales and distribution
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Commission on Clean Energy Infrastructure Siting and Permiting

Policy Area: Energy and Environmental Affairs
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Commission on Community Behavioral Health Promotion and Prevention

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: The commission shall: (1) promote an understanding of: (i) the science of prevention; (ii) population health; (iii) risk and protective factors; (iv) social determinants of health; (v) evidence-based programming and policymaking; (vi) health...
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Commission on Elder LGBT Support

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: The special commission shall investigate, analyze and study the health, housing, financial, psychosocial and long-term care needs of older lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender adults and their caregivers, and shall make recommendations to improve...
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Commission on Falls Prevention

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: The commission on falls prevention shall make an investigation and comprehensive study of the effects of falls on older adults and the potential for reducing the number of falls by older adults. The commission shall monitor the effects of falls by...
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