Search Instructions and Form

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Select apply button when done to update results.

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Filters will show results automatically.

Search Form

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Showing Results: 431 to 440 out of 762
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Search Results List

Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation Board of Directors

Policy Area: Economic Development
Purpose: To govern the Massachusetts Growth Capital Corporation. The purpose of the MGCC is to create and preserve jobs at small businesses, women and minority owned businesses, and promote economic development in underserved, gateway municipalities and low-...
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Massachusetts Historical Commission

Policy Area: Economic Development
Purpose: to identify, evaluate, and protect important historical and archaeological assets of the Commonwealth.
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Massachusetts Home Ownership Advisory Committee

Policy Area: Economic Development
Purpose: To assist the Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency in the discharge of its duties, including assisting the MHFA in formulating policies and procedures in dealing with site selection, tenent selection, rent levels, design objectives, and other such...
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Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: Make first mortgage loans, including mortgages insured by the secretary of housing and urban development, to finance the building or rehabilitation of housing designed and planned to be available at low and moderate rentals for low income persons...
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Massachusetts Housing Finance Agency Advisory Committee

Policy Area: Economic Development
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Massachusetts Housing Partnership Fund Board of Directors

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: to expand the development and preservation of low and moderate income housing through public/private partnerships.
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Massachusetts Interagency Council on Homelessness and Housing

Policy Area: Economic Development
Purpose: To review existing programs and policies relating to homelessness or to individuals who are at risk of becoming homeless and recommend improvements to such programs and policies to ensure that such services are provided in an efficient,...
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Massachusetts Interagency Council on Substance Abuse and Prevention

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: Support the efforts of the Massachusetts Department of Public Health to fulfill its statutory mandate as the single state agency to supervise, coordinate and establish standards for the operation of substance abuse prevention and treatment services
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Massachusetts Life Sciences Center Board of Directors

Policy Area: Economic Development
Purpose: To shape and direct the priorities and strategies of the Mass Life Sciences Center in furtherance of its mission to advance good science that will improve the human condition and promote economic development and job creation in the Commonwealth.
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Massachusetts Marketing Partnership Board of Directors

Policy Area: Economic Development
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