Search Instructions and Form

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Select apply button when done to update results.

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Filters will show results automatically.

Search Form

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Showing Results: 561 to 570 out of 761
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Search Results List

Public Education Nominating Council

Policy Area: Education
Purpose: To advise the governor with respect to appointments to the board of education, the board of higher education, and all boards of trustees of community colleges, state colleges, and the University of Massachusetts.
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Public Employees Retirement Administration Commission

Policy Area: Administration and Finance
Purpose: To assume general responsibility for the efficient administration of the public employee retirement system, under chapter 32 of the Massachusetts General Laws.
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Public Health Council

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: To advise the commissioner of public health and to perform other duties as required by law.
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Public Market Commission

Policy Area: Energy and Environmental Affairs
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Public-Private Partnership Commission

Policy Area: Administration and Finance
Purpose: There shall be established a public-private partnership commission that shall review and evaluate the administration and fiscal impact of public-private partnership policies or other alternate finance and delivery methods in the commonwealth,...
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Quincy Housing Authority

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: To oversee the clearance of substandard, decadent or blighted open areas or the provision of housing for families or elderly persons of low income or engaging in a land assembly and redevelopment project, including the preservation, restoration or...
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Race Horse Development Fund

Policy Area: Economic Development
Purpose: The horse racing committee shall make recommendations on how the funds received in subsection (a) shall be distributed between thoroughbred and standardbred racing facilities to support the thoroughbred and standardbred horse racing industries under...
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Radiologic Technologist Advisory Commission

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: To advise the department in establishing standards necessary for an individual to become licensed as a radiologic technologist.
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Randolph Housing Authority

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: To oversee the clearance of substandard, decadent or blighted open areas or the provision of housing for families or elderly persons of low income or engaging in a land assembly and redevelopment project, including the preservation, restoration or...
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Randolph Redevelopment Authority

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: To engage in and direct urban renewal projects.
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