Search Instructions and Form

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Select apply button when done to update results.

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Filters will show results automatically.

Search Form

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Showing Results: 661 to 670 out of 761
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Search Results List

State House Art Commission

Policy Area: Administration and Finance
Purpose: The commission shall have the custody and care of all works of art and historical artifacts in the state house art collection, including those inside the state house, on its grounds, on display and in storage. The commission shall oversee the care...
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State Lottery Commission

Policy Area: Miscellaneous
Purpose: To administer the state lottery program.
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State Off-Highway Vehicle Advisory Committee

Policy Area: Energy and Environmental Affairs
Purpose: The committee shall advise the Secretary and the Department of Conservation and Recreation, the Department of Fish and Game, the Department of Environmental Potection and the Office of Environmental Law Enforcement on matters involving the...
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State Reclamation and Mosquito Control Board

Policy Area: Energy and Environmental Affairs
Purpose: To investigate the question of utilizing wet lands, including meadows, swamps, marshes, beaches and other low lands, and may ascertain what lands, if any, may advantageously be drained for agricultural or industrial uses, the protection of the...
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State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund

Policy Area: Administration and Finance
Purpose: (a) The State Retiree Benefits Trust Fund shall be managed by a board of trustees which shall have general supervision of the trust. The duties and obligations of the board shall be set forth in a declaration of trust to be adopted by the board (e)...
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Statewide Advisory Committee on a Standard Quality Measure Set

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: To define quality measure set and recommend to the Center for Health Information and Analysis any updates to the measure set. A standard quality measure set is defined as uniform reporting of a standard set of health care quality measures for each...
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Statewide Advisory Council to the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: To advise the Commission for the Deaf and Hard of Hearing
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Statewide Coordinating Council on Community Transportation

Policy Area: Transportation and Public Works
Purpose: to develop detailed recommendations for reform and the introduction of efficiencies in the provision of community and social services transportation in the Commonwealth, including, but not limited to, conducting a detailed review of the MBTA's The...
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Statewide Independent Living Council

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: to participate in planning with and advise the Massachusetts Rehabilitation Commission and the Massachusetts Commission for the Blind concerning the provision of independent living services for persons with disabilities, in compliance with the...
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Sterling Housing Authority

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: To oversee the clearance of substandard, decadent or blighted open areas or the provision of housing for families or elderly persons of low income or engaging in a land assembly and redevelopment project, including the preservation, restoration or...
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