Search Instructions and Form

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Select apply button when done to update results.

Search Instructions

Boards and commissions are vital to improving communities all over Massachusetts. The Healey-Driscoll Administration encourages passionate individuals to learn more and get involved.

To search for boards and commissions, you can:

  • Enter keyword(s) or board member names in the search field and click 'search'.
  • Filter by boards with open seats and by policy area(s). Filters will show results automatically.

Search Form

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Showing Results: 11 to 20 out of 758
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Search Results List

Advisory Committee for the Lead Poisoning Prevention Program

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: To advise the lead poisoning control director on matters of policy.
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Advisory Committee on Accessibility to Communication Services for Disabled Persons

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: The advisory council shall meet at least quarterly and shall make recommendations to the department and the department of telecommunications and cable on all matters of policy related to communication services and equipment for people with...
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Advisory Committee on Women Veterans (EO No. 613)

Policy Area: Veterans Services
Purpose: To investigate, foster and promote the interests of women veterans.
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Advisory Council on Alzheimer's Disease Research and Treatment

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: The advisory council shall advise the executive office and the legislature on the state's Alzheimer’s disease policy. The advisory council shall work with the secretary of health and human services to determine the number of persons diagnosed each...
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Advisory Council on Organ and Tissue Transplants and Donations

Policy Area: Health and Human Services
Purpose: To assist the commissioner of public health and the director of organ transplants in coordinating the efforts of all public and private agencies within the commonwealth concerned with the donation and transplantation of human organs and tissue
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Advisory Council on Workers' Compensation

Policy Area: Labor and Workforce Development
Purpose: To monitor, recommend, give testimony, and report on all aspects of the workers compensation system, except the adjudication of particular claims or complaints.
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Advisory Council to the MassHire State Workforce Board

Policy Area: Labor and Workforce Development
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Agawam Housing Authority

Policy Area: Housing and Livable Communities
Purpose: To oversee the clearance of substandard, decadent or blighted open areas or the provision of housing for families or elderly persons of low income or engaging in a land assembly and redevelopment project.
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Agricultural Lands Preservation Committee

Policy Area: Energy and Environmental Affairs
Purpose: The role of the committee is to evaluate, accept or reject Agricultural Preservation Restriction (APR) applications. The ALPC is chaired by the Commissioner of Agriculture and is comprised of state officials and farmers. The role of this committee...
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AI Strategic Task Force

Policy Area: Economic Development
Purpose: The AI Strategic Task Force was established to study AI and GenAI technology and its impact on the state, including with respect to its employees, constituents, private business, and higher education institutions; to conduct outreach and collect...
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